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16 mi


7:14 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 1:55:29.96 (7:13.1 min./mi.) Today's plan 16 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. With the weather forecast for Sunday being lots of rain and thunderstorms, I decided I did not want to run two hours in that weather, so I moved my LR to Saturday evening and that turned out to be a great move as I was really rolling tonight. Yesterday it felt like I was tied to a tree, today it felt like I was on roller skates just cruising along nearly effortlessly.

Mile Splits: 7:10.48, 7:15.03, 7:15.30, 7:09.92, 7:10.10, 7:14.73, 7:16.07, 7:12.85, 7:04.55, 7:07.12, 7:13.11, 7:17.90, 7:17.00, 7:15.03, 7:12.96, 7:17.81
