Run: Easy Previous Next


13 mi


7:18 mi

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<No name>


Ran 13 miles in 1:34:52.38 (7:17.9 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. Overall a pretty good run but I felt a lot of weird pains on and off during the run. Felt tightness in my left calf briefly, then some tendonitis in both Achilles, which is not that uncommon in my right Achilles, and finally some slight IT band tightness. None of it amounted to much though. The right Achilles tendonitis could be problematic done the road.

Mile Splits: 7:22.61, 7:19.08, 7:21.02, 7:20.60, 7:15.92, 7:15.03, 7:19.07, 7:14.73, 7:14.44, 7:13.93, 7:15.42, 7:19.63, 7:20.90
