Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi


7:20 mi

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Ran 8 miles in 58:32.31 (7:19.0 min./mi.) Today's plan, 8 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. Today is day one of a thirteen week training block commencing with my eleventh marathon in October. This was a nice easy run, wanted to run further but decided to stick to the plan.

The MGP for this marathon will be 6:36 min./mi. Easy and LR miles will be in the 7:20 min./mi. neighborhood. The plan calls for 2 twenty-milers and 3 twenty-two milers in weeks 7 through 11. Considering my age, this will probably be my last attempt to better my PR (2:53:01) which has stood since February of 2008.

Mile Splits: 7:23.59, 7:19.00, 7:20.92, 7:17.00, 7:16.83, 7:18.15, 7:22.87, 7:13.95
