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13 mi


7:47 mi

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Ran 13 miles in 1:40:58.06 (7:46.0 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:30's. Both calf's were tight from the start and even once the tightness went away, the left calf was still uncomfortable so I kept it slower than planned and it seem to hold up. After 53 straight days of runner, it might be time for a day (or two) off.

Mile Splits: 7:52.84, 7:54.00, 7:52.05, 7:46.92, 7:45.98, 7:50.75, 7:45.95, 7:41.10, 7:45.02, 7:41.90, 7:46.35, 7:44.77, 7:30.43

5k Splits: 24:30, 24:10 (48:40), 23:59 (1:12:39), 23:59 (1:36:38)
