Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


7:48 mi

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<No name>


Ran 12 miles in 1:33.29.21 (7:47.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:45. Taking it easy today, as I have a planned fitness test scheduled tomorrow so I wanted to save my legs today. The results of the test will help me write a fall marathon training program to start on Monday (7/21)

Mile Splits: 7:53.86, 7:49.98, 7:51.10, 7:50.87, 7:51.05, 7:45.95, 7:45.05, 7:46.35, 7:40.07, 7:47.05, 7:49.05, 7:38.83

5k Splits: 24:27, 24:13 (48:40), 24:01 (1:12:41)
