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8 mi


7:03 mi

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Ran 8 miles in 56:19.04 (7:02.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2 mi. WU @ 7:30 min./mi., 2 mi. @ 7:00 min./mi., and 4 mi. @ 6:40 min./mi. Today's run was to see if I had any shot at running the Marshall University Marathon/Half Marathon on Sunday. I have ran the half or full each of the ten years of this race; sadly, 2014 I will miss this race. I had hoped to run the half for the seventh time, and though I could run and finish, it would be at a much slower time than what I ran even a couple of weeks ago (1:22:56), therefore since my lower strain, that is still bothersome, will not allow me to run at full strength I have decided to skip this race and focus on my first ultra (50k) in December.

Mile Splits: 7:34.16, 7:31.65, 7:04.06, 7:01.36, 6:50.55, 6:55.13, 6:43.13, 6:39.00
