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24 mi


7:16 mi

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<No name>


Ran 24 miles in 2:54:19.45 (7:15.8 min./mi.) Today's plan, 24 miles @ MGP + 35 seconds (7:11 min./mi.) The final time was a couple of minutes longer than the goal, but I'm still pleased with the result. Some lower back tightness late, but that is not uncommon when I surpass twenty miles; nothing I am concerned about.

Mile Splits: 7:23.51, 7:20.95, 7:17.00, 7:11.03, 7:08.95, 7:03.02, 7:08.05, 7:09.85, 7:16.80, 7:13.98, 7:10.05, 7:04.95, 7:01.12, 7:03.83, 7:04.95, 7:01.00, 7:00.00, 6:58.88, 7:01.89, 7:06.15, 7:09.36, 7:09.00, 7:09.10, 7:04.03
