Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


7:24 mi

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<No name>


Ran 12 miles in 1:28:47.24 (7:23.9 min./mi.) Today's plan, 8 miles + 4 makeup miles from yesterday @ 7:20 min./mi. This run started off so bad, that at the two mile mark I almost shut it down, but I just kept telling myself if I could just hold on for another mile I might get to feeling better; and low and behold, by the 10k mark I was feeling really good and was able to roll along nicely the second half.

Mile Splits: 7:50.12, 7:51.88, 7:46.06, 7:40.99, 7:25.55, 7:27.04, 7:14.15, 7:09.15, 7:10.02, 7:10.16, 7:01.12, 7:01.00
