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13 mi


7:59 mi

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Ran 13 miles in 1:43:38.37 (7:58.3 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. I think that I knew before I started running that this run might not go so well. I was sweating profusely just retying my shoes before I started the humidity was so high. I was having so much trouble breathing it was like I had a plastic bag on my head. Somewhere around the seven and a half mile mark, started getting calf cramps and even some hamstring cramps later on. The last mile and a half, cramps won out and I had to shut it down. Some very sore legs after words.

Mile Splits: 7:24.65, 7:35.19, 7:39.44, 7:32.88, 7:44.16, 7:50.10, 7:58.44, 8:14.65, 8:10.66, 7:59.95, 8:24.21, 8:16.88, 8:47.16
