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12 mi


7:00 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:23:52.71 (6:59.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2 mi. WU @ 7:20 min./mi., 8 mi. @ 6:36 min./mi. (MGP), 2 mi. CD @ 7:20 min./mi. After yesterday's near DNF of a simple eight-miler I wasn't sure how this would go; and though I did miss all the days pace goals, I am still pleased with the workout. I just simply did not have the turn-over today; cardio felt good.

2.0 mi. WU: 14:48.06

MGP Splits: 6:57.49, 6:52.07, 6:45.95, 6:46.77, 6:40.11, 6:41.75, 6:42.60, 6:37.59

(54:04.33 - 6:45.5 min./mi.)

2.0 mi. CD: 15:00.32
