Swim: Free Style Previous Next


8:00 PM

3500 yd


1:57 / 100yd

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warm up 500 swim with drills and pulling

main set : 5x300

1st 300 4:19

2nd 300 4:19

3rd 300 4:18

4th 300 4:17

5th 300 4:19

50 easy

5x100 on 1:45

1st 100: 1:20

2nd 100: 1:21

3rd 100: 1:20

4th 100 1:21

5th 100 1:24

50 easy

10x50 on 60 secs. I lead this set. Swam hard finsihed each 50 on 40 or less seconds.

cooldown was ~400 easy with pulling equip and some without.
