Bike: Tempo Previous Next


7:19 PM

43.3 mi


21.61 mi / hr


178 lb
119 bpm
153 bpm
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~30 minute time trial, trainer preferred, followed by 60 minutes endurance outside preferred.


TT @ self-selected cadence; RPE ~7- 8, Zone high 4 - 5 - -- Nice, easy effort, z1-z2

Endurance @ steady ride, RPE 3, Zones 2, low 3, cadence self-selected. -- Nice, easy effort, z1-z2

Duration a little longer than last week for TT effort.

Warm-up for approximately 30 minutes and then do a 25 minute time trial effort. Recover for 15 minutes, and then the rest steady endurance, Z2-3, nothing all that hard.

Late night ride, so entirely on the trainer. I thought both the TT effort and the endurance went well. I felt good. Earlier in the day my calves were still sore from the run yesterday, but it wasn't noticeable during the ride.

I think I need to start wearing proper cycling shorts (as opposed to tri-shorts) for these training rides - there were a few times when sitting on the saddle felt more painful / sore than it should.
