Run: Long Previous Next


12:03 PM

19.5 mi


7:42 mi


178 lb
132 bpm
167 bpm
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30 min @ 8:00 - 8:15

30 min. @ IM Pace - 7:40

3x10 min. @ 6:15 w/10 min recovery after each

30 min @ 8:00 - 8:15

Maintain good running form throughout

Use a flat course for these long runs.

Bundle up if it's cool.

Keep working on your nutrition/hydration plan.

Partially on the indoor track (first hour, and last 30 minutes) and partially on the treadmill (3x10min fast, 10 min recovery).

Long pants on the treadmill made it VERY warm! I much prefer to be on the small track. Having the treadmill maintain my pace for the 6:15 portions was nice, but I didn't feel like I was working as hard; also I'm pretty sure I took the recovery run between the intervals a lot slower on the treadmill than I would have if I was running (but maybe not, or maybe those slower recovery paces are okay).

Around 2:15 I noticed that some ancillary muscles along my tailbone and also in the back of my shoulders were starting to get fatigued. I'll have to get some ideas from Elaine about this.

We had planned on adding a 3rd gel at the 2hr mark, but my stomach didn't want it. I'm not sure if I drank too much gatorade during the last interval, or swallowed an air bubble, but a gel did not feel like the right thing to add at that time. Water did help a little, eventually the feeling passed, but at that point I had forgotten about taking the last gel.

Also around the 2:15 mark I noticed that my shoes were starting to feel very wet and a little heavy. Not sure if a slightly more 'racer' shoe would be better for the marathon, or the more cushioned ones that I've been wearing for long runs lately (Brooks Pure Flow). My original thought was that I would want a little softer feel after such a long day, but if I have to run another hour+ with soaked shoes, that will feel VERY heavy.
