Run: Easy Previous Next


2:12 PM

7.8 mi


7:42 mi


178 lb


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Don't hammer off the bike. Ease into it until you feel like you're running then get up tp IM pace 7:40.

Bundle up if it's cool.

This is a nice long workout, perfect for working on your nutrition/hydration plan. Use what you plan to use on race day.

I had about a 10 minute transition between packing the bike in the car, sorting bottles, getting more water, etc. I changed socks and took off the two long sleeve jackets. I started off just jogging, and although my pace started around 9:00, I made myself stick to that effort level, and the pace quickly dropped closer to 8 and then down to around the 7:40 that we are targeting. My breathing was a little heavier than normal, but it still felt like I was just jogging. I took a gel (no caffeine) in the first mile and I felt fine. Next few miles were great, but wet and shoes getting soaked. At the 45 minute mark I had to run in to use the restroom as my lower abdomen was gross. Not sure how long I was in there for, but once I got out, I was able to get back to my target pace pretty quickly. Aside from the gel at the start of the run, and Gatorade / water alternating, I hadn't taken in anything else (I left my clif shots in my jacket pocket in the car). Although looking back now, I could have easily ran by and gotten them...

Soon after the workout:

hot cider, gatorade, 3 hot dogs, a banana, 2 small bags of Fritos, and a couple chocolate chip cookies :-) YUM
