Bike: Tempo Previous Next


9:02 AM

34 mi


18.52 mi / hr


178 lb
107 bpm
134 bpm
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2 twenty minute AT intervals, followed by 45 minutes endurance. Take 15 minutes recovery between interval efforts. Follow with approx 45 minutes endurance, mostly Z2


AT efforts @ self-selected cadence; RPE ~6, Zone 4

Endurance @ steady ride, RPE 3, Zones 2, low 3, cadence self-selected.

These are not intended to be full-out TT efforts, not as hard as you'd do a Tuesday TT. These will be, however at an intensity higher than your IM pace. Do not go too hard!

Between intervals I just switched chainrings instead of changing gearing in the back. It may not have mattered because I did up shift 3-4 minutes into the second interval.

I have no idea what happened in the last 15-20 minutes of this ride and why the HR data seems to fall off. I did notice at one point that it wasn't reading correctly, but I thought I had fixed it for the remainder of the ride. Oh well, good workout.
