Swim: Mixed Previous Next


7:29 AM

3540 yd


1:49 / 100yd


178 lb
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Warm Up: 200 free/200 pull free/200 kick

5 x 100's free--mod. hard pace--on 1:35

500 pull free--recover for the first 250 and then stretch out your breathing patter to every 5 strokes

100 stroke (not free) recovery

5 x 200's free on 3:15--again, should be challenging

500 pull free--250 recovery/250 breathe every 5

100 stroke (not free) recovery

200 Warm Down

My back was somewhat sore today from the yoga yesterday. It took a little while to get warmed up, but the intervals felt really good. My head started to hurt during the end of the 500yd intervals when I was trying to only breathe every 5th stroke. I'd add an extra breath as needed, but I could definitely feel a difference in those 250yd sections.
