Swim: Mixed Previous Next


6:31 AM

3600 yd


1:49 / 100yd


178 lb
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Warm Up: 1000 swim free (I want you a little fatigued before the workout begins)

5 x 400's

1. 200 pull/200 free--mod. pace, note your time and then take 1 min. rest

2. 400 free---come in under the time you did for #1, try to beat it by 10 secs

3. 8 x 50's--

odds-50 Kick--take 10 secs rest

evens-50 stroke (not free) ez and relaxed

4. 200 pull free/200 free--note time and take 1 min. rest

5. 400 free--like #2, beat your time from #4 by 10 secs

8 x 50's free on 1:00

1. 25 hard/25 ez

2. 25 ez/25 hard

3. 50 hard

4. 50 ez

--take 1 min. rest--

--repeat 1-4

200 Warm Down

Good workout! 8x50 turned into 10x40.
