Bike: Interval Previous Next


6:49 PM

35.3 mi


19.15 mi / hr


178 lb
118 bpm
144 bpm
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2 twenty minute AT intervals, followed by 45 minutes endurance. Take 15 minutes recovery between interval efforts. Follow with approx 45 minutes endurance, mostly Z2


AT efforts @ self-selected cadence; RPE ~6, Zone 4

Endurance @ steady ride, RPE 3, Zones 2, low 3, cadence self-selected.

These are not intended to be full-out TT efforts, not as hard as you'd do a Tuesday TT. These will be, however at an intensity higher than your IM pace. Do not go too hard!

It took me 6 minutes into the first interval to realize that although I was going faster than 'easy', I was definitely not going harder than I suspect IM pace will be, so I picked it up and think I finally found a decent AT pace. It definitely was not TT pace, so I think I did it right.
