Swim: Mixed Previous Next


1:40 PM



178 lb
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Warm Up: 100 free/100 pull/100 Kick/100 IM

1000 yd swim--broken down, no stop until 1000 yds completed

400 free (1:25 pace--try to be in around 3:40) )/2 x 100 IM's--go right into each one with no break/400 free on 1:30 pace

(the 400's should be at a pretty good clip and the IM's are meant for you to actively recover)

1 -2 min. rest

750 yd swim--broken down

250 free (try to be in around 3:35/)100 IM/50 Kick/100 IM/250 free under 3:35

1-2 min. rest

500 swim-

200 pull free (on 3:00 pace)/100 Kick/200 pull under 3:00

1 min. rest

250 swim

100 free (on 1:25 pace)50 stroke not free/100 free on 1:25 pace

1 min. rest

200 pull free--try to breathe every 5th stroke on laps 2,4,6,8

200 warm Down

I liked the way this workout was broken down. Practicing the negative split was fun. Trying to calculate the pace while swimming is tough, and then I would lose track of which lap I was on :-p Oh well, this was a good one.
