Run: Speed Intervals Previous Next


5 mi


5:09 mi


9 / 10
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What a bad workout. It was bad on a few different levels. First, it was very hot, and this is the first time this year I've done a workout in 80+ degree weather. I wasn't prepared for it and it took it's toll on me.

Next reason is that I started my workout on the track, and then the lacrosse team kicked me off because they had a game about to start. I had done one interval and a 600 meter cool-down, then I had to jog a ways to my nearest known mile on the road to continue. At this point I should have called it off and done a tempo workout or something.

I am also reunited with the fact that I am notoriously bad at pacing when I'm not on the track, and even there I'm not very good. I planned on 5:35 at the fastest, ended up doing my first two in 5:30.

The second mile was a gradual downhill the whole way. I held back intentionally and still pulled a 5:29. Not a strong move, since the third mile is a gradual uphill the whole way. This mile felt like the end of a hard race, and I only ran a 5:55. A very stupid move, and I finished gasping and holding my knees like I just stepped off the track from a mile race. I don't think I'm going to do a track workout for at least 2-3 weeks or so, I don't want to break myself before the summer even begins.
