Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


2:00 PM

12.1 mi


12:44 mi


142 bpm


25 F


4 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Longest run I've done since I started training a few weeks ago. It was not cold, but it snowed the whole time. Keeping my HR down for the first 30-45 minutes was kind of tough, then it got easy for the next 90 minutes, and for the final 30 minutes I had to slow down a fair bit. Today felt like I ran to the limit of what I am capable of currently, when I got done I felt pretty wiped out. Total average pace was 12:44, which isn't bad. I got some of the average paces and HRs for the miles where I knew the start and finish:

Mile 1: 11:45/138 (rolling)

Mile 2: 12:!2/141 (rolling)

Mile ~4: 11:15/142 (flat/downhill)

Mile ~7: 15:00/143 (all uphill)

Mile ~8: 11:00/144 (flat/downhill)

Mile 11: 13:00/142 (rolling)

Mile 12: 14:32/144 (rolling, more uphill)

This also marks three weeks into my base building, pretty exciting stuff. Maybe in another three weeks I'll be averaging 11:44 for the same run? Time will tell.
