Run: Tempo Previous Next


8.4 mi


9:00 mi


161 bpm
174 bpm
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Not a very good day. I did my warm-up up the big hill going into Amherst, and so for the first 10 minutes of the run my HR was up in the 160-170 range. My goal today was 3x10 minutes at 170 HR with no loss of pace. I actually achieved this fairly well; the average pace across all three was about the same, although the first 5 minutes of each was faster than the next 5.

That being said, my legs are absolutely crushed after this one, and I'm not sure why. It felt easy while doing it, but as I was cooling down and now that I'm done, my legs just feel destroyed and I'm having a hard time walking around. Also, while walking I felt in my left Achilles a very slight popping sensation that reminds me of my calf injury. I can make it hurt a lot by flexing, and I really don't want a long layoff from injury again, so I'm going to err on the side of caution and skip a couple days of running.
