Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.6 mi


7:35 mi


7 / 10
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Today was a pretty tough workout. I started with a 3 mile easy run, then did 2 by 2 miles at ~6:00 pace with 5 minutes of easy jogging in between, then a 3 mile easy run back. I figured 6:00 pace would be about 10k pace for me, but it felt really hard. I ended up doing the first interval in 6:20, then on the second interval I misjudged where the stopping point was and only did 1.9 or so, the pace was about 6:15. All in all, a pretty tough workout. I need to find a new place to do this one though, because the final 3 miles is predominantly uphill, and after wiping out my legs on the intervals it really sucks having to climb back home.
