Run: Tempo Previous Next


12.1 mi


7:22 mi


8 / 10
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Threshold day, and it was seriously fucking hot when I ran. Just so hot.

After an easy 3 miles, I dropped the pace down to about 6:15s for 15 minutes, then jogged 5 minutes, then dropped it down to 6:15s again for another 15 minute interval. The first interval was gently rolling, with a 2 minute downhill in the beginning and then a mix of easy ups and downs. The second interval went through the little housing community, a very hilly little area. Honest assessment: 25% flats, 25% down, and 50% climbing. The goal was to match the previous interval's pace. I did it, ended up with an average pace of about 6:10 or so on the second one.

After that I had a 5 minute walking around period because my legs were trashed, then a slow jog home. I had to stop 3 times or so just to stand for 30-60 seconds and let my legs relax, they were very heavy. The heat definitely takes a toll.
