Run: Progression Previous Next


7.9 mi


7:11 mi


3 / 10
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What a great fucking run. Had an easy 6 planned, but when I started this run I felt so good I decided to go longer. It felt very easy, but when I hit the 4 mile mark I realized I was cruising along at about 7:20 pace. A half mile later, I took a quick stop at the water fountain in the park, on account of the crushing heat, and went onward. A half mile after that, I stopped at the gas station bathroom, on account of the Burger King lunch I had eaten 90 minutes prior.

When I hit the Lumber Street area, I was feeling so good I decided to turn this into a progression and close the last 1.75 miles at a moderately hard pace. Turns out I was pushing 5:45s, and that's UP the hill to the house. Man, I am just so pleased with this day that I can't believe it.

Another thing to note: after about 150 miles I am realizing that the Defyances are fucking great. They started out being less than stellar, but now they're good and broken in they are amazing.
