Run: Progression Previous Next


3:30 PM

10.1 mi


6:56 mi


7 / 10
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My plan was to do a moderate effort 14, but the day got away from me and I didn't want to be running in the dark, so I decided on a hard 10 instead. I got the mileage in, but I actually took a wrong turn and had to call and have Sharon come pick me up. Running down route 85 on a dark and stormy night felt like a good way to end up on the news, or in the obituaries page.

The run itself was excellent though. My 8 mile PR is officially weak; after a couple mid-7:00s to ease into the run, I cleared the next 8 miles just 15 seconds slower than my time at the Stowe 8-miler, and the course was pretty similar. Not to mention that this run felt really controlled, while I was definitely going hard in Stowe. The first 4 miles or so were kind of a struggle, but I settled in and really started cruising for the rest of it. After that it felt nice and easy, even though I was clocking about 6:30s or so. I want to find a race soon and get a real benchmark.
