Run: Easy Previous Next


11:00 AM

4 mi


10:46 mi


155 bpm
61 bpm


83 F


9 / 10
2 / 10
  • Map


About a mile into this run, I passed Serena walking her dog home. She warned me about the weather, her exact words being something along the lines of "You're going to want water on this one, it's brutal." Boy was she ever right. I think this qualifies as the hardest run I've had so far in 2008, regardless of the short distance. It felt like I was running with a backpack on, the humidity just totally takes everything out of me. I had intended to do 7 on this run, but I had to turn back. Keeping a 145 HR was a laughable goal today, unless I had felt like going for a 4 mile walk rather than a run.
