Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:30 AM

9.3 mi


9:25 mi


182 bpm
216 bpm
62 bpm


92 F


9 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


I was planning on my regular 160 bpm aerobic threshold run, but the plan had to change midway through. For the first half, I averaged between 165 and 170, which is about the best I could hope for up that first hill on North Hollow Road in this type of weather. I turned around at Fuller Road, and from there I just basically let go and ran. I was averaging 190s or so along North Hollow, with spikes into the 202 range. When I hit Route 100 and the blazing sun, I kept a pretty steady 205 bpm, and decided that I would try to get my max HR on one of the hills up Plunkton. During a max effort sprint up a reasonable hill, I hit 216. This intensity was not just uncomfortable, it was downright painful. I had to do it though, and I enjoyed it. I label this a tempo run, but it was more of a progression run. The pace is kind of disappointing, but if I'd run this hard on a nice temperate day I'd have been averaging much faster miles.
