Run: Moderate Previous Next


8:30 AM

8.7 mi


7:49 mi


4 / 10
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I intended this to be a longish run, more like 13 miles than 8.75, but I overslept. I definitely could have done the extra 4.25, but if I was worried about being late for work. Thinking about it now, I could probably have pushed out the last miles and still made it to work on time if I really rushed; I'll just have to keep that in mind in the future. Not a big deal anyway, because I felt some twinges in my right ITB and I seriously had to go to the bathroom.

Overall, I'm pleased with this week. I didn't get the mileage I wanted (60+) but I did get in my first pretty solid week of training in about a month. In the coming weeks I'll probably remove one of those fairly hard workouts and replace it with just easy-moderate miles. I did one hard tempo run and two fairly hard progression runs, and combined with the rest of the runs being a bit too hard, it all added up and I had to take Saturday off completely. I really underestimated how hard it will be to train well with a full-time job. It's going to require a lot of early mornings or late nights.
