Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


3:00 PM

13.1 mi


7:13 mi



7 / 10
  • Map


It was a windy day in the low-40s/high-30s, so I went out faster than I expected to. First mile was 7:23, next was 7:28, third was 6:45. I told myself I'd run slow today, but I lied. I covered the 13.1 mile loop with an average pace of 7:13, which kind of blows me away. I wasn't working hard at all, just clicking off miles on this chilly, chilly day. I guess when I go out in shorts and a t-shirt on a day like this, I need to move quick or I'll freeze.

Considering yesterday's tempo, I'm feeling surprisingly good after this run. No aches anywhere, except the normal from my beat up shoes. Definitely going to run EASY tomorrow, perhaps a 6-7 miler in the morning and 4-5 in the afternoon. It's going to be a little busy tomorrow, though, so we'll see.
