Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:15 PM

10.8 mi


7:23 mi


8 / 10
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Random Route


This run was a good, hard tempo after work. I planned on doing 12; 4 warm-up, 5 tempo, then 3 cooldown. What actually happened was I got lost, so I did 4 warm-up and 5 tempo, but because I was doing the tempo part in the wrong direction, I only got about 1.2 cooldown. Not the end of the world.

I ran the Cliff Street loop backwards for a warm-up, which ended up being a bit quick (7:55s) for a warm-up since I had to get to a bathroom fast. After a stop in Whole Foods, I started the tempo portion at about 6:45 pace. I held this straight around the Wellesley Ave. loop, but I thought I'd try to figure out the loop Jason showed me and I got a bit lost. I ended up taking an extra left turn and just running a little circle, but by the time I came back it was darker and I didn't recognize the area so well.

The tempo was good; I definitely could have cranked it up faster if I was in a race, which is kind of the point. I felt totally in control, never really struggling hard (except up that hill on Jefferson Street, holy shit!). My focus was to try to keep my shoulders nice and relaxed at a quick pace, which I think I'm getting better at. All in all, it felt like a good workout; definitely I'll want to keep it easy tomorrow after this.
