Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


1:00 PM

10.3 mi


11:53 mi


138 bpm
148 bpm


22 F


3 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map


Today's run felt really good. Did the Senor Loop with some tacked on to make it a 10-miler. It wasn't so cold today (just 22) but the wind chill made the end of the run really bitter, since I was wearing all cotton and the wind ripped right through it to the skin. It was also alternating between snowing and snowing really god damn hard. As far as the run went, everything was A+. My ankle didn't have any pains, the pace was good and solid throughout, and it was easy to stay under 145 for the whole run. I took the time and average HR for a couple miles in the run (the ones that I know the start and finish of):

First mile: 11:00/131 HR (mostly downhills and flat)

Fourth Mile: 12:10/141 HR (mostly uphill and then flat)

Seventh Mile: 11:50/138 HR (rolling)

It seems as though I steady out as the run gets longer, and it's easier to stay under 145 while maintaining my pace towards the end.
