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14.9 mi


7:23 mi


5 / 10


I added pieces here and there to make my 13.9 mile Holliston loop a 14.9 mile run. This was overall a pretty good run. I started at an easy pace and pretty much just ran what was comfortable the whole way. This route has a pretty good amount of downhill for the first 6 miles or so, but it stands to reason that if I finish where I start I have to climb as much as I descend.

I found myself fading again in the last mile. Not seriously, I just felt very tired and a bit slow. As usual, nutrition is a concern; I didn't eat dinner and had a PBJ sandwich for breakfast. If I could only get myself to eat a good meal the night before and morning of, these runs would probably not taper down in the last mile. Still, I averaged a decent pace, so I couldn't have faded that badly.
