Run: Tempo Previous Next


11.5 mi


7:34 mi


4 / 10


Today was my workout day, and I decided to keep it lighter since I am going to race on Sunday. I wanted to get some running in at race pace but not overdo it, so I decided to do a longer run with some 1 minute race pace surges followed by about 4 minutes of easy running. I wanted to get a good recovery so I wouldn't be thrashed by the workout.

It was a good run, it felt pretty easy and I thought again about how 11.5 miles feels like such a manageable distance now compared to last summer. The stomach trouble persists, and I think I may have discovered the source. I believe the strawberry "fruit spread" I use for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was left out and has gone bad. It's that or the bread has gone bad and not moldy yet. I'm going to cut the sandwiches out for a couple days and see if that helps.

It was also a sad day. My watch finally gave up on the fight and succumbed to its failing battery. I need to get the battery replaced, because even though running without the watch is a nice change sometimes, I also like to know how long I was out.
