Run: Long Previous Next


2:15 PM

16.2 mi


7:41 mi


7 / 10
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Great day for a run; it was sunny and the perfect temperature, making this a pleasure of an afternoon. I did a new route which I was very pleased with, nice and rolling for the most part, with a couple pretty big ups and downs. I started easy, around 8:15s or so, but around 4-5 miles in I started dropping the pace a bit. I passed the 10 mile mark in about 76-77 minutes, not bad for a long run, especially considering how easy that felt. I ended up averaging probably around 7:30-40 for the last 6 miles or so.

I got in some good mileage mid-way through the week, and if I can just add in that 7th day and put a few more miles on some of my lighter days, I can probably get up around 70 or so. I just need to keep a lot of it easy and try not to overdo it. I'm thinking Wednesday for my harder sort of workout, Sunday for my long run, and easy running in between.
