Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:15 PM

7.7 mi


6:52 mi


8 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


This was a pretty tough run, considering it was after a 9 hour shift, with a full calzone in my stomach, and on a pair of shoes that are pretty much nothing. I ran with Jason after work today, and he showed me a different route to run. I doubt I could figure it out again, since there were a lot of turns, and I definitely couldn't map it tonight. He said it was about 7.5, but he thought it could be as much as 8 miles. My best attempt at mapping it gave me 7.7, so I'll go with that.

I wanted to do a hard run, and I got it. Even though he ran Chicago two days ago, Jason took me for a serious workout today. We started out at a pace that felt easy, probably mid to high 7s. After about 1.5-2 miles, the pace started dropping. We were clipping along at probably 6:45 pace for the meat of the middle of this run, and it was a hilly course. It was tough, and I'll definitely run easy tomorrow, but I'm satisfied with it. I would have liked to do another mile or so of easy running before the hard part started, and maybe another two miles after, but what we did was good anyway.
