Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

7.3 mi


9:06 mi


49 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


If this was supposed to be a recovery run, well it wasn't. I concentrated on quick cadence, good form, and relaxation. Everything felt good, including PTT, but I felt a little O2 short in the first couple of miles. Didn't let myself go to 2-2 breathing, kept on, and felt strong, considering the rather long run yesterday. Taking the south shore was literally a split second decision. Two steps from the turnoff, I thought it's a beautiful day, why not? So that's what I did. At one muddy patch my right foot slid out laterally and I had to catch myself with my left. Potential for bad stuff, but no apparent harm done.

Numerous people and dogs out.
