Run: Easy Previous Next


6:04 AM

4 mi


9:41 mi


33 F


7 / 10
7 / 10


I wore my ankle brace, and maybe it helps. I was sceptical, but didn't have any scary sensations during this run. What was evident, though, is that one loses a lot of tone with a six-week hiatus. Big surprise. I was really feeling stiff in the thighs - quads, hamstrings. Interesting. Still wondering whether even completing the marathon will be possible. Depends on how quickly I can ramp up mileage, and I'm dubious about this being quick. I'll know better this afternoon, based on how much my PTT stiffens up.

The run was good, though. A little disappointed that I saw no other runners on the trail to welcome me back to my old haunts.
