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8:01 AM

30.4 mi


12:50 mi


58 F

Race Result

153 / 227 (67.4%)
13 / 25 (52%)
87 / 122 (71.3%)
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Cloudy, cool, 50's, light wind. Pineland 50K race. Got there about an hour early, picked up my registration, dropped off the salad, and bought a mug. Ran into Ian and talked to him for a bit, he ran the 50K as a last minute decision. Got my stuff and set up in the TMR tent which was right next to the course. Started in the middle of the pack, had a tums and an S-cap, then tried not to go out too fast. Started walking the hills right away. It took me more than 2 miles to get warmed up and start to feel comfortable. I wanted to stay ahead of my nutrition so I took a GU after an hour and tried to drink tailwind regularly. I also stopped at all the aid stations, except the first one, to take water. The pace felt good. I was expecting 12 minute miles but I was close to 10. My stomach was a little off so I took a tums at one of the stations and an S-cap here and there. The fields were tough, they were off camber and bumpy. If it had been sunny and hot then it would have been brutal. It was nice to get back on the established trails. Focused on running all the tangents and shortest lines. Felt pretty good coming back into the start area. There were some trail monsters there cheering which was a good mental pick up. Headed over to the Oak Hill trails, saw Alan Morrison at the aid station and he gave me a few tips about running the fields. On this section it started to feel like my right IT band was getting tight. It was only 12 miles so it kind of bummed me out. Got behind TMR Amy in the last field and followed her into the start/finish area. She kept going and I stopped to get my PBJ and fill my pack, which Ryan helped me with and gave me some positive words. Finally took off hoping my IT band would hold up. Took it easy on the downhill section, saw Jeff Walker coming back from the Falmouth Nordic team aid station. My leg was getting more sore but not IT knee pain. My intestines were starting to get gurgly and felt like I needed to fart but couldn't. I was definitely in a rough patch and slowed some. I finally figured out my leg was cramping and not IT band related. Decided to try some pickle juice at the next aid station. Drank a cup of it and the after taste was bad. Chased it with a cup of water and took 2 more S-caps. Still felt bad for awhile and then leg started to feel a little better. My intestines started to get worse. I was crampy and sometimes had to stop to let the pain settle. Just after the final pass by the Yurt aid station, I knew I should have stopped to poop. I focused on making it to the next aid station. Had to wait to use the porta potty, but it was just a blowout when I did. Felt a lot better after and my leg wasn't cramping but just sore from being cramped. Realized I didn't take any GU when I stopped at the tent so I had Ryan grab my bag and grabbed a GU and a stinger waffle.
