Run: Trail Previous Next


11:41 AM

7.2 mi


10:13 mi


71 F
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Sunny, windy, 71 deg. but sun was hot. Bob took his bike to Bethel to get fixed so I ran by myself. Decided to do the reverse of the new power lines. Took a Hammer gel on my way through Hosmer. Ran the old rail bed behind the high school to the singletrack then up the high school trail. The climb felt ok, a little tough in some places. I ran all the way up the steep climb to the powerlines and kept going, trying to recover, down to the reservoir. Looped around it and went through the Oak street area to Swain road. Saw some trail prints in the mud, Billy maybe? Crossed Swain road and ran through the woods to the dirt road up the powerlines and stopped. I was pretty hot and wanted to cool down some before I got out into the sun. There was a big hawk screeching and flying along above me from tree to tree as I started up the hill. Ran all the way up, it wasn’t as long as I expected. Ran along the flat section and saw a couple girls walking towards me. It was Mary Kaubris and Molly. They were picking wildflowers. I stopped to chat with them for a bit, hadn’t seen Mary in ages. Kept going and ran pretty hard the rest of the powerlines and felt the best I had all run. Crossed the road and bridge, then stopped in the shade by the natural gas station to cool down again before the final push back to the mill. Ran hard up the last big hill and tried to keep the pace up on the way across and down even though I was pretty gassed. Ran the pavement hard back to the mill and had to cross the footbridge to get to 7 miles. Easy cool down back across the footbridge.

Good training run. My legs and abs were kinda sore from the fitness room yesterday, but felt better as the run went along.

Gear: shorts, tank T, headband, sunglasses, water pack.
