Run: Trail Previous Next


9:43 AM

12.1 mi


13:36 mi


56 F
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Cloudy and wet, rained earlier and more heavy rain coming. Warm though. Goal was to go around 10 miles, as I have only run once in the last 2 weeks. Ran the Homestead trail all the way through. Legs felt really good starting out. Went up to Fox Run and ran that over to the deer path. After the initial rocky terrain this trail is really fun to run. Ran the Deer Path backwards from how I normally run it. Popped out onto the Bradford loop and stopped to have 1/2 a stinger waffle. Decided to try the Bradford loop and see if it was any better since spring. It was. They had cleaned up all the slash and it was back to a good trail again. Saw an old bike frame hanging in a tree and stopped to take a picture of it. This loop felt ok. Stopped back at the intersection to have the other half of waffle. The plan was to go up the Ridge trail and run that back to the Homestead and take that back to the car. Started hiking up the Ridge trail but then I lost the trail and couldn't find it again. Bushwacked back to the ATV road and decided to run that over to the Ledge trail. This meant more miles than I wanted to do though, but oh well. Running the main road was kinda sucky compared to the single track I had been running. Ran most of the way up the ridge trail. Then headed back on the Ridge trail. Took it easy on the downhill as my legs were pretty tired. Just before getting back to the road, my right knee starting having IT band pain. This was about the 10 mile mark. By the time I got down to the road it was pretty sore. Stopped at the bridge to sit for a minute. Ran and walked the Homestead trail back. Walked mostly the more technical sections. Saw Val and Xar near the end of the trail. They were scoping out the Hell race course. Made it back to the car and my knee was pretty sore. Not bad later though. I'm hoping my IT band pain was because of the lack of running the last 2 weeks. Other than that, I felt ok. Good long run, but longer than I planned.
