Run: Trail Previous Next


5:12 AM

6 mi


13:40 mi


62 F
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Early morning, sun up, cool, 62 kinda humid. Left the house at 4:15am to meet Bob and Cliff S. at the high school for a 5:30am start time running the single track. Got to the mill a little before 5am. Waited until 10 past to put on my pack and bug spray and then headed for the high school. Ran the usual way through Hosmer. Felt good, easy warmup pace. Cliff was just pulling in to the parking lot when I got there and Bob got there a few minutes later. I had a GU before we left. We ran Papianeau's single track, now called Henry's single track for Henry LeDuc, and headed up Rope Tow. Cliff and I ran a little behind Bob as his pace was a little fast. Cliff is just starting to train for the Bradbury series. We ran all the way to the old high school trail then did the lollipop loop counterclockwise. The ATV club has fixed up the trail some and widened out the grown in evergreen trees of the other side of the powerlines. Ran back up and took the rest of Rope Tow back down to the XC trail. Ran the second half of Take Off over to Fawntastic and ran Bull Pine. We hiked up the steep hill and took Take Off back to the high school. I was getting short on time so Bob gave me a ride back to the old Tennis courts. This was a really fun run. Not too fast but not slow with a lot of walking. Felt good for so early in the morning. Felt good after.

Gear: shorts, tank, headband, water pack
