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12:00 PM

33.1 mi


11:21 mi


75 F
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LMS Race - I was on the fence as to whether or not to sign up for this race since none of the other guys were doing it, but this was one of my A races this year so I did it. This was a sunny warm really nice day. Paula came down with me and she and Bob helped set up and crewed for me. Brought both water packs so I could switch between water and Tailwind. Started out with water, took a GU before the start. No issues on 1st lap, tried to remember to drink often. Had to pee at end of this lap. Had a PB&J, some watermelon, and an apple slice. Traded my pack for the Tailwind pack. Second lap also no issues, again tried to drink often but not sure that I did. It was getting warm and I was sweating pretty good. Had to pee after this lap too, so figured I was drinking enough. The third lap I figured out that I liked running this direction better. The first section was much more technical, rocks and roots, and the hills were bigger. It was good to get this out of the way at the beginning. The next section is the field and the "stadium" area by the market. This section was pretty hot, being out in the open. But on the road after the field, and in the stadium area I opened up my stride and ran a little faster in order to keep my hips loose. I think this helped prevent any IT band issues. I took water again on this lap. I also felt like I was getting a tired, which was a little earlier than last year but I think it was the heat, I was much hotter this year than last. The cool breeze from the 1st couple laps died off. Had another PB&J, watermelon. Didn't have to pee. Changed to my other NB singlet. Made sure to keep applying Glide before each lap also. Took tailwind pack again. The fourth loop I was also feeling the heat. My stomach started to feel a little gassy, I think it was the Tailwind. I was a little slower on this lap. Started getting tired of PB&J's. Paula went to the market to try and get me a turkey and bacon sandwich for after the next lap. Peed after this lap. Took water again and took a Stinger waffle to eat on the trail. Also legs were getting tired and the heat was getting to me. Decided to slow down some on this loop. My legs were getting pretty tired and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do 3 more laps. But I was definitely doing 6, the 7th would be the last hard one, then 8 would be my final and victory lap. So mentally it was doable. At the end of the fifth, I ate half the turkey bacon sandwich Paula bought at the market. The bread was a little dry and hard to swallow but it tasted really good. Paula left as I headed out for lap 6. Took water again and GU which I ate on the first section. This was the last hot lap. My legs were really tired but mentally I was ok and was able to keep the pace under 50 minutes and also able to keep doing my strides on the road and flat field. I also finished each lap fairly hard. At the end of 6, Emma was there with Iona and Angus visiting. I changed back to the red NB singlet, which had dried out. I left my hat and sunglasses, since the sun was going down, and wore my headband. Kept the water pack, hadn't peed for awhile so I figured I was getting dehydrated. I took 2 S-Caps before lap 7. I took one before the start and one after the third loop. I was finishing my PB&J on the way over to the start, then swallowed wrong and was choking and coughing for a good part of the first section. I had another GU on the first section. It got cooler on the lap and I felt better, even though my legs were really beat. I had no aches or pains, my hips were tired but not painful, my right knee was fine, and there was no IT band pain. My lower back was getting tired too but not too sore. However, when I tried to pick up my stride on the road my right calf started to cramp. I was hoping the S-Caps would kick in soon. I was able to run a longer stride on the flat grass section without cramping. Finished ok but my calf was a little crampy. Put on my TMR tank top. Also required to put on headlamp and turn it on. Ate a half of Stinger waffle, it was kind of dry and hard to swallow so didn't eat the whole thing. Bob filled my water pack and I took two more S-Caps and another GU to go. Legs were really tired and beat, but I knew I could get this last lap done. Took the GU on the first section. Tried to be careful on the downhills and technical sections so I wouldn't trip with my tired legs. When we got to the field, the sunset was really pretty and moon was coming up behind us. The temperature also dropped and it was really nice running. The darker it got, the more careful I got and didn't run quite as hard in the woods. Only cramped a little bit in the road, but not on the grass. Finished as hard as I had been and right calf was a little crampy. Really glad to be done and finish my goal of 8 laps, 50K! My legs were really wobbly and I was staggering quite a bit. Got my medal and told them I was out. Sat for a bit, then Bob helped me get everything picked up, take the canopy down and load up the car. It would have been nice to hang for awhile and listen to the band, they were really good, but I was beat and just wanted to go home. This was a good race, and fun even though I ran by myself most of the time. Legs were really beat but nothing felt broken.

See 2017 notes document for more on what worked and what didn't for next year.

Gear: road shoes, mizuno shorts, both NB singlets, TMR tank, TMR hat( laps), sunglasses, headband, both water packs.
