Run: Rolling Hills Previous Next


11:15 AM

8 mi


7:57 mi


151.6 lb
134 bpm
159 bpm


43 F


7 / 10
8 / 10


Decided to skip my regular Willis Tucker Park loops in favor of some new scenery (albeit traffic-filled.) Ran down 35th to 100th, then up the series of hills to B/E Hwy, south to 132nd, west on 35th again, in and out of Pioneer Trails, then back home (which means nothing to you if you don't live around here!) Felt like I was catching a head cold this morning, plus my hammy was tweaky yet again, but it's absolutely beautiful outside, so I couldn't skip the opportunity (the rain will return soon.)

During mile 6, I decided to kick in a fast mile (6:56) to test (i.e. tick off) my hamstring. The increased pace does bother it (duh.) Aside from that, this one felt good. Even the sub-7 didn't feel as hard as I expected. Average HR for the whole run was 134, which surprised me. I haven't worn my HR strap in months, so I wasn't sure what to expect.
