Run: Race Previous Next


10:05 AM

5 km


7:03 mi


155 lb


35 F


10 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

13 / 136 (9.6%)
  • Map


Was hoping to finally get back under 22:00 and managed to do it today, for the first time since my injury, back in 2010. Very happy with how it went.

Cold (35°ish) and clear; perfect race conditions.

The numbers:

Official time: 21:53 (6:57 pace; 13/136 overall, 2nd in age group)

Splits: 7:07, 7:04, 6:48 (5:45 pace for last .15)

Was planning on going out at 7:15, so when I hit mile 1 in 7:07, I didn't expect to run negative splits. Fortunately, I had more in the tank than I anticipated. Really starting to feel like myself again (although I plan on getting a good bit faster ;-)

Now, I just need to work on increasing my long run.

Running one more 5k this year (Christmas Rush, Dec. 8th), and that's it. At least the pressure to go sub-22 this year is off, finally.

I'd be remiss if I didn't also crow about my daughter Natalie. This was her 3rd 5k, and the only one where I didn't pace her, and she ran a 52-second PR (26:06; 8:17 pace.) We both got 2nd in our respective age groups. My wife and youngest daughter ran/walked the race, too, so the whole family participated.

And...we won a 12 lb. frozen turkey in a random drawing.

Awesome day! Can you tell I'm happy?

(I just need to contain the enthusiasm & not get hurt again...)
