Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

7 mi


8:25 mi


155 lb


46 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


Ran with Lars & Gabe. We ran a different route (thus the 7 miles instead of my usual 6.) Ran most of it at an easy 8:45 pace. Picked it up to an 8:10 for mile 6. Then Gabe took off the last mile. I decided to stick with him, and Lars hung back. Turned out to be a 6:39 final mile. Mostly downhill, but the effort was still there. My recently tweaky right hammy wasn't thrilled with the idea, but as usual, it felt good to let loose a little. Followed up with good coffee and interesting conversation (including an entertaining chat about vasectomies. You had to be there.) Fun times.

Just realized that I've run a 9-miler and a 7-miler in the same week. After my short run tomorrow, I'll hit 30 miles this week, for the first time since July of 2010. My knuckles hurt from all the wood I've been knocking on...
