Run: Interval Previous Next


11:30 AM

5 mi


7:47 mi


152.8 lb


46 F


9 / 10
8 / 10


As promised, I hit the local high school track for my first speed workout in many moons. Did two miles of warmup (17:38) and a mile cooldown after the workout (8:34), all clockwise.

As for the workout itself (counter-clockwise), I started with a mile time trial. Ran 6:11, with splits of 92, 95, 95, 88 (3:07/3:04). Had a tailwind on the back stretch, which meant I had a headwind on the home stretch. This was less about seeing how fast I can run and more about getting a feel for where I'm at, speed-wise. But I'm happy with it. It's a good deal faster than the 6:26 time trial I ran last July. I believe this was the fastest mile I've run since I went 5:59 back in 1995. I intend to go sub-six again this year.

After walking a fast lap, I followed up with 2 x 800m @ 5k race pace (was a bit ambitious) - 3:17, 3:15.

I felt a little clunky trying to run fast, but it was nice to get back to the track again. I've got a ladder workout scheduled for the track next week.
