Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

23 mi


8:12 mi


189 lb


65 F


Easily my best long run effort of the fall. I was in control the entire time and got faster throughout the run in segments. My mind wandered a bit during mile 15-16 but my body showed no difference. And I defiinitely refocused and settled back in. I was more focused and concentrating very well the last 6 miles of this run. My fastest regular miles were the 17-20. Then I really picked up the pace to get some leg turnover on tired legs. My final three miles were 7'51", 7'19" and 7'10".

Glad to do this in Chicago and in a runner's setting (tons of groups out training and doing long-runs). I used the day as a dress rehearsal for the big show on 10-10. I have a feeling I got some magic that going to be unleashed as long as I am smart.

My hydration and fueling was fantastic and I practiced the tricks for running a flat course marathon - so I focused on stretching and relaxing.

My only potential problem was that I had to pee twice during this run (once at mile 3-4 and again at mile 12). I am a bit surprised. I hydrated well the night before (maybe too much?) but I was very careful with coffee on long-run morning (I had one 6oz cup of black coffee). I will also want to eat less the night before the marathon. I ate way too much pasta on Saturday night.

Here were my mile splits (I negative split this run by a fair amount):

1) 8'29"

2) 8'32"

3) 8'26"

4) 8'29"

5) 8'30"

6) 8'24"

7) 8'23"

8) 8'23"

9) 8'16"

10) 8'19"

11) 8'16"

12) 8'13"

13) 8'15"

14) 8'12"

15) 8'18"

16) 8'11"

17) 8'07"

18) 8'09"

19) 8'07"

20) 8'07"

21) 7'51"

22) 7'19"

23) 7'10"
