Run: Long Previous Next


7:00 AM

16.2 mi


8:29 mi


63 F


Met Bill Billock at L29 for a long run. Lloyd wanted me to keep it between 8:45-9'/mile. I was focusing hard to keep on pace. Our first mile was a tad slow but then we picked it up and held consistent throughout the entire run. In fact, this is the strongest 16 mile run I've ever done.

Part of this had to do with the perfect running conditions for the 1st of August. The weather just felt ideal (not humid, not hot). Also, I was very organized. I had everything laid out last night, ate well (pasta), and was very careful to fuel with GU and water/gatorade (even when I did not feel like I needed it).

I cannot emphasize enough how smooth and efficient I felt. Moreover, I did not have any lulls or dips while out there. Everything just felt steady. Billy was working hard to keep up but I felt smooth and efficient. This was just a great way to end the week.

I could of easily squeezed out a 20 today. My right foot (the one I felt like I had some plantar coming on was a bit tender for a small part of the run but overall it was not an issue).
