Run: Roads Previous Next


11:15 AM

10.1 mi


87 F


I did a very hot run today. I got up late because of last night's DMB concert. The temperature was starting to spike. It was 84-degrees around mile 2 and by mile 7 it was 87-degrees. I did the hospital loop and then proceeded out to the park before meeting Story, Dad, Jasna, Kimmy, Dex, and August up at Trinity High School. I did 2 miles around the high school and then finished up on the track.

The last 2.5 miles were extremely uncomfortable due to the weather (and a nice reminder of why I like running in the morning). Also, I think I was slightly depleted given that I did 34 miles in the past 3 days. But I wanted to get 60 miles in this week so it was a necessarily evil.

Overall though, I felt fine while running. My body and running style feels more efficient than at any time prior in my running career (since Jan 2007). My time was sub-9' miles overall but i was not really pushing it. I was letting my body set the pace. All things being equal, I feel great doing all the mileage as of late.
